Some people like to tackle big changes incrementally. If you’re serious about making some massive improvements to your health, and you’re going to do it in small steps, I have a few recommendations that helped me get healthier before I started making the bigger changes.

1. Add veggies to every meal.
If you’re trying to get healthier, adding more plants to your diet is almost always a good idea since they’re fiber and nutrient rich, but calorie poor. How do you add veggies to every meal? Read on…
2. Eat salad before two meals.
I like this trick for lunch and dinner. If you eat 1-2 cups of greens before the rest of your meal, you already have a nice load of nutrients and fiber, and it’s easy to pack a salad or put one together last minute. I bet you’re thinking, “What about breakfast?”
3. Drink smoothies.
Frozen fruit and a blender make a quick and easy breakfast smoothie, but if you add some new foods in, you can incorporate lots of great nutrients and help yourself get used to new tastes. Try adding beets for a cool red color and an earthy sweetness, or add fresh mint or cilantro to make it a little more refreshing. Get creative; you can blend almost anything. Rhubarb, kale, spinach, and cauliflower are just some of the veggies you can try in small doses and not notice.
And since you might be a milk and cereal person, so you could just …
4. Swap or drop your dairy.
There are so many alternative milks on the market that it’s easy to find one. You can also make your own, or abandon the liquid calories altogether.
So what could you drink that has no calories but is still tasty?
5. Take tea time.
From green to tulsi, hot brewed or cold brewed, tea is a great beverage substitute as long as you don’t add the sugar and cream. You can keep your coffee because it has some pretty good benefits as well, but many people won’t drink it black. You can cold brew it to make it less acidic.
I started small, and built on it! When I first started making changes, I didn’t change everything at once because it was too daunting for me. Instead, I overhauled my breakfast, and I added salad to lunch and dinner, I swapped soda and milk for green tea and oat milk. These changes helped me meet my short-term goals, motivated me to take on larger changes, and finally take real control of my health. Change doesn’t have to start big; you can start small and build on your success!